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Podcast Feeds


PocketPlatform includes support for automatically generated podcast feeds. Want to get started with your podcasts and need to know the base URL for the feeds? Reach out to Support! There are four podcast feed types available, and one of them is sure to fit your needs.

  • A list of all published Sermons in all published Series. All your Sermons, all in one place!
https://{your base URL}
  • A list of all published Sermons in all published Series in Series Type. All published sermons in the identified sermon series. Just replace "123" with the actual Sermon Series ID.
https://{your base URL}
  • A list of all published Sermons in all published Series for a specific Congregation. All published sermons for the identified Congregation. Just replace "456" for the actual Congregation ID.
https://{your base URL}
  • A list of all published Sermons in all published Series for a specific Congregation. All published sermons in a particular series for a specific Congregation. For example, all sermons in the Special Events sermon series for the Southside Campus. Just replace "456" with the actual Congregation ID and "123" with the actual Sermon Series ID.
https://{your base URL}

To configure your podcast feeds, make sure:

  • The Series is published.
  • The Sermon is published.
  • The Sermon Link:
    • is published.
    • contains an audio file ending in .mp3.
    • the Video Duration is greater than 0. This should be the total number of seconds in the audio file. Bonus: If you use the Media Manager, the Video Duration is automatically populated.