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Create Pledge Tool



The Create Pledge Tool allows Users to easily enter pledges received on physical pledge cards.

  • The Create Pledge Tool can be launched from the Contacts, Donors, and Pledges pages.
  • The Tool can be launched from a page without making a selection or from an open record. If launched from an open record, the Tool will be prepopulated and no search will be required.
  • Selecting Save will create the new Pledge. The form will remain open with all of the Pledge information intact, but a clear Contact field so an identical Pledge for a different Donor can be created.
  • Selecting Reset clears the entire form so a completely different Pledge can be created.
  • Selecting Close will close the form without creating a Pledge.
  • If the Contact has a Donor record, a new Pledge record will be created and the Pledge fields will be populated with the information created in the Tool.
  • If the Contact does not have a Donor record, new Donor and Pledge records will be created. The Donor record fields will be populated ...
    • Contact: The Contact record selected in the Tool
    • Stmt Frequency: Value from COMMON,DefaultStatementFrequency
    • Stmt Type: Value from COMMON,DefaultStatementType
    • Cancel Envelopes: False
    • Setup Date: Date the Tool was run
    • First Contact Made: Left blank

Initial Setup

The Create Pledge Tool is available on the Contacts, Donors, and Pledges pages for authenticated users with a Security Role permitting access to the tool. 

Using the Create Pledge Tool

  1. Launch the tool:
    • Go to the Contacts/Donors/Pledges page > Tools > Create Pledge Tool, OR
    • Open desired Record > Tools > Create Pledge Tool.
  2. If you didn't open the Tool from a record, search for the Contact/Donor.
  3. Enter the required Pledge Information:
    • Pledge Campaign: Choose from a drop-down menu of Campaign Names for current and future Campaigns. This is the Campaign this pledge should go toward.
    • Pledge Status: Choose from a drop-down menu of pledge statuses configured in System Lookups.
    • Total Pledge: The total amount pledged for the entire duration of the Campaign.
    • Installments Planned: The total number of installments that the entire pledge will be paid in.
    • Installments Per Year: The number of installments that will be paid per year for the duration of the Campaign. For example, you would enter 52 for weekly gifts, 12 for monthly, 1 for annually, and so on. If the Campaign only lasts one year, this will be the same number as the Installments Planned.
    • First Installment Date: The date of the first installment payment.
      Note: Learn more about these fields here: Pledge Setup.
  4. Add an optional Note.
  5. Save.
    • The form resets with the same Pledge information and a cleared Contact field. This way, you can create a pledge with the same information for another contact.
  6. If needed, click Reset to clear the entire form and create a new Pledge with different information.