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Language & Locale



When used with other Widgets, the Language & Locale Widget provides a multi-lingual approach by allowing the User to select their preferred language. 

  • Available languages include:
    • Chinese
    • English
    • Portuguese
    • Spanish
  • The selected language impacts:
    • Menu & Navigation Text (Labels)
    • Date & Time Formatting 
    • Currency 
  • Default label values will always come with a translation for each supported language. These default values may be changed. When labels deviate from the default value provided, churches are responsible for their own translations. See Application Labels for the current list of supported languages and further details to making changes to labels. 
  • Note: Values sourced from MinistryPlatform records appear in the language they were written. For example, if a church has attendees who speak both English and Spanish, each attendee could view and navigate Widgets in their preferred language. But specific information would appear in only one languageā€”the language in which it was written. In the example above, the selected language is Spanish, as indicated by the date labels and formatting. Specific information (titles, descriptions) appear in the languages they were written.


  • Language: May be selected by the User.
  • Dropdown: Appears on every page where the Widget has been placed and allows the User to select their preferred language.

See it in Action

Using the Language & Locale Widget is just one way for you to customize your User's Widgets experience. In the example above, the Langauge & Locale is set to Spanish. But the Events were set up in the Platform using a different language. From left to right ...

  • Language & Locale Widget is set to Spanish and the Event was set up in the Platform in Spanish.
  • Langauge & Locale Widget is set to Spanish and the Event was set up in the Platform in English.
  • Langague & Locale Widget is set to Spanish and the Event was set up in the Platform in Chinese.

And don't forget! You can use Application Labels to further customize your Widgets, including titles and button labels.


See Configuring Language & Locale to get started!