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Routines & Processes

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Standard Statements are just that, Standard. If you'd like to see a change to the Standard Statement, add it as a suggestion to the Idea Board and whip up those votes! Note: Standard Statements are not customizable via Professional Services.

It's important for Statements to be correct when they are generated (be that quarterly, annually, or randomly). A nightly routine and an on-the-fly process ensure your donor statements are accurate no matter when they are generated.


Current, unarchived Statements are managed nightly by the Statement Maintenance routine. This nightly routine does the following:

  • Associates Donations with the correct Statement once batched. A new Statement field on the Donations page makes this possible.
  • Populates 'Statement Description' on Donation Distributions based on the Program, Event, or Pledge:
    • The Statement Description cannot be null and defaults to the Program.
    • If the 'Target Event' field is populated, then that value is used instead of the Program.
    • If the '[Pledge Campaign]: Donor' field is populated and the Pledge Donor is different from the Donation Donor, then that value is used instead of the Program or Target Event.
    • If the Donation's 'Payment Type ID' = 6 or 'Omit Amount On Statement' = 1, then the Notes field (if populated) is used on the Donation, and one of the following is appended:
      • The 'Pledge Campaign Nickname' (if populated)
      • Or the 'Event Title' (if populated)
      • Or, if neither of the above is populated, the 'Program Statement Title' (if populated)
  • Associates Donors with the correct Statement
  • Updates the Salutation as needed (for example, new Head of Household, Head of Household removed, name changes to Heads of Household, changes in Accounting Company ‘Formal Salutation’ value)
  • Indicates the date and time the statement changed
  • Updates the statement file on the record
  • Creates a Household, if the donating Contact is not already in one

The Statement Maintenance routine ensures that anything connected to an unarchived statement is scrutinized in case there were database changes making an item no longer relevant to that statement. For example, if someone is removed from a Household, they will no longer be listed on the unarchived statement. There's a very long list of things that can impact whether and how items appear on a statement, so buckle up:

  • Step 1: Archive appropriate Statements.
  • Step 2: Remove Donors who are no longer associated with the Statement.
  • Step 3: Remove Donations that are no longer associated with the Statement, Batch, Current Year, etc.
  • Step 4: Remove mail contact, spouse contact, and mail name when appropriate. Update Salutation.
  • Step 6: Remove Donation_Distributions.Statement_Description if changes have happened to the statement since the last review.
  • Step 7: Address Multiple Statements where neither is archived by deleting the second one.
  • Step 8: Delete multiple instances of a donor on one statement.
  • Step 9: Delete completely orphan statements, if the parameter is set to "Yes".
  • Step 10: Clean-up.

The Statement Maintenance routine runs nightly. But you can accomplish the same thing at any time by updating any (or all!) of these fields on the Accounting Company record:

  • Statement Cutoff Date
  • Formal Salutation
  • Standard Statement

So when should you execute the process instead of waiting for the nightly routine? While you probably won't use the process often, you should it when:

  • The Statement Cutoff Date is changed to an earlier date. In this case, all Donations prior to that date would be disassociated with the Statement.
  • The Statement Cutoff Date is changed to a later date. New Donations might be associated with the Statement.
  • The Formal Salutation is changed. The Salutation on each Statement would need to be refreshed to reflect this decision.

This default Statement Maintenance Required process will be installed at deployment.

Note: If there are multiple statements and neither is archived, the second statement will be deleted. The statement assignment routine will then assign these donations to the correct statement.