Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

App Links


You can link to just about any screen or view in your app right from the Dashboard! With the proper formatting of link URLs, you can direct your users to events, sermons, opportunities, General Content Engine posts, and more. You can use these links anywhere in your dashboard or in “Link” type fields in the PocketPlatform pages in the Platform. 

Use the examples below to format your app links. Note: Most links end with the ID of a MinistryPlatform record. You can find this ID by opening a record in the Platform and looking in the title bar (see example screenshot). Be sure to add your specific IDs to each link.

Sermon App Links

Sermon Series Types


Sermon Series


Sermon Series Detail


Sermon Detail


Sermon Notes


Scripture Passages - For more details, see Sermon Scriptures.

[[APP_PREFIX]]passages/{scripture references}?heading={optional+Heading}&title={optional+Title}&subtitle={optional+Subtitle}
Events & Opportunity App Links

Linking directly to Events and Opportunities provides a simple, customized experience for your Users. But directing users to these URLs without instructions can be confusing. So help your users out by providing detailed instructions about the destination and what to do when they get there. For example, if the link takes someone to an Event for registration, include helpful language like, "Tap think to learn more, then select Sign Up to register".

All Events


Individual Event Detail


All Opportunities


Individual Opportunity Detail


Self Check-In

Group App Links

All Groups


Group Detail


Group Signup


Group Inquiry


My Groups / Group Management

Reading Plans

Reading Plan Screen


Reading Plan Day Detail

User Profile Screen App Link

Want to make a quick shortcut to the user’s profile screen? Easy enough to do.  Simply use the In-App URL to direct a button or link to the User’s Profile Screen.

General Content Engine Link

The Pocket Platform General Content Engine is a tool that allows you to create general use text and richly formatted posts for use in Pocket Platform.

Other App Links

Some of these links include an "id", which is the ID of a MinistryPlatform record. You can find this ID by opening a record in the Platform and looking in the title bar. Be sure to add your specific IDs to each link where indicated.

Connect Card


Custom Form

[[APP_PREFIX]]custom_form/{form _id}/{form_name}

List of Lists


List of Lists for the Parent List
